Forbidden Digital

Forbidden Digital - Behind the Scenes

The Journey

No epic story ever started with a salad, they say.


Well, neither did this. It was a chilly early spring evening when…


We decided to turn our passion into work. And work into passion.


It has been a never ending cycle. And we wouldn’t want it any other way.


From that moment on, work has been our focus and discipline our motivation.


The path was long and strenuous, with challenges all along.


Many came before us. And if we wanted to have an impact, we HAD to be one-of-a-kind.


What did that mean? We knew very well, but we dreaded it.


We did not let fear stop us. We relentlessly hunted for ways to break it. 


Long days, longer nights, sweat and blood. A price that pales in comparison to the result.


And we finally did crack it. 


The journey and the knowledge inside the code made us what we are now.


Capable and obsessed with getting results and solving problems for YOUR business.


Razvan | Forbidden Digital Who We Are



Phone: +40 754 614 437

Mihnea | Forbidden Digital Who We Are



Phone: +40 722 628 343

But enough about us. We wanna hear about you!

Mission & Vision

We follow 5 tenets – solid principles learnt in life and contained in the CODE:


We pledge to be truthful in all our marketing endeavors. We will NEVER lie or deceive in our campaigns, nor will we support fake or false products.


We pledge to only promote businesses that help their customers. NEVER will we help sell a product or service that can harm in any way.


We pledge to work only for the benefit of our client and to offer marketing services that provide results. We will NEVER underdeliver.


We pledge to work tirelessly for the work we promise and to keep our eyes on the end-goal. We expect the same. We will NEVER work with a client that lacks the ambition to win the game.


We pledge to treat everyone equally, with no regard for personal or business differences. We will NEVER refuse a partner based on any biased criteria.

And we expect our clients and partners to uphold these tenets as well.

A few words from Forbidden Digital Team

We’re new here. There are bigger players out there. But deep down they are all the same.


All the more reasons we work HARDER to deliver results, to be different and to make a REAL difference for YOU and YOUR business.


No fancy-techy words, no 3-letter acronyms.


Human engagement, raw action and definite results.